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A Gentle Nudge: Embracing a Slight Bump in Service Rates


Happy New Year – I hope you're all doing fantastic. I just wanted to drop in with a quick update about a small change happening in my rates for 2024. “Oh no, not the dreaded price hike!" But fear not, dear friends, this isn't a seismic shakeup, just a gentle nudge. 


As I continue to grow and evolve, I’ve found myself at that inevitable crossroads where a minor adjustment in my rates is necessary to ensure I can keep delivering the top-notch experience that you’ve come to expect.  


Now, before you break out into a cold sweat, let me assure you that this isn't a decision I take lightly. I've weighed the pros and cons and considered your feedback, which overwhelmingly was supportive of a slight rise in my rates. The bottom line is, I’m committed to providing you with an unparalleled experience, and sometimes that means making these modest adjustments. 


But hey, let's look at the bright side! This bump in rates is like a vote of confidence in my growth and your continued support. It means that I’m not just standing still; I’m stepping up my game, expanding my horizons, and investing in becoming even better at what I provide. 


Now, I totally get it – change is always a little unsettling. But remember, it's a small step and hopefully, not a giant leap for your pocket. I’m not here to break the bank, just to keep the ship sailing smoothly. 


Thanks a million for being the fantastic bunch that you are. Here's to growth, excitement, and the awesome journey ahead! 


© 2024 by RILEY. all images 

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