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My Interview


Some 5 years later, I catch up with Riley again to continue our chat and get more insights on her life and profession. She appears to have cheated time and has not changed at all since our last meeting.

Shall we pop the cork and begin????

Where are you from?


"I was born in Winnipeg, and it has been my home ever since."

What was your childhood like?  

"I might answer by saying “what childhood?” (this brings about a giggle) 

I think that I grew up way too fast. By the time I was 16, I had one of the best jobs that a teen could have. I worked there until my late 20’s.
In the blink of an eye, I was a young mom, buying my first home.
Time, it appears, is far too fleeting."

What kind of kid were you in high school?

"I wouldn’t say that I was a troublemaker, but I did end up in trouble occasionally.
I learned very early on that I much preferred to skip class and spend time socializing with friends"

What is your favourite outfit to wear – at home and at work? 


" I am a casual, relaxed kind of girl. I am most comfy in jeans and a t-shirt."

Are you an exhibitionist?  

"I am not sure that I would say I am an exhibitionist, but I do appreciate being noticed. I like to wear clothes that show that I care about my appearance and that make me feel good about myself."

Do you have many single clients? 

"Not really, by far most of my clients are married or in a relationship. I would estimate that no more than 5% of the clients I see are single."

What would be your advice to anyone considering entering this profession? 

"I would tell them to do their homework and understand the best ways in which to develop and promote their business. Above all else, be safe.
Don’t be greedy and see anyone who may contact you. Unfortunately, there are some disreputable men who troll the websites and ads and will try to contact you. They may not be the safest individuals and should be avoided. Check their online profiles and get references from other ladies whenever possible."


Looking back on your time in this profession, what was the biggest misconception that you held about this career before you started? 

" I was totally unprepared for the amount of socializing and visiting that is done. At first, I expected that it would just be a physical encounter, but quickly learned that most men place a higher priority on the social aspect of our time together.
I was also not thinking that I would make friends from my clients….some of whom I consider lifelong friends who are near and dear to my heart."


Have you had clients that blurred the lines of a professional relationship and wanted to pursue a romance? If so, how did you manage it? 

" Oh yes….quite frequently!
When this happens, I usually open up a little about my personal life and subtly let them know that I do not have any desire for any relationship beyond one that is professional in nature."

That leads me to the next question…are you married? 

A coy smile crosses Riley’s face as she responds… "I just like to say that my life is very good!"

Are there any “turn offs” in a man that you simply can’t get past? 

" There are a few. I am quite turned off by narcissistic men who talk incessantly about themselves, and brag about their accomplishments (or perceived accomplishments)
I also am a big fan of good hygiene and would be quite uncomfortable meeting someone who did not practice good hygiene."

What changes have you seen in this business since you first started? 

" In recent years we have seen a proliferation of spammers, trolls and men who don’t show up for a booking or make you feel unsafe. I have had to resort to seeking references and/or deposits from new clients to help provide some assurance of their intentions."

What would your ideal date look like? 

" Spending a long casual time in bed; sharing a bottle of wine and talking…. perhaps even ordering in some Chinese food to share."


What is your favourite part of this business? What is your least favourite part? 

" My favourite part has been the connections and deep friendships that I have developed. My least favourite part would be having to say to some potential clients that I am unable to see them for one reason or another."

Do you have any retirement plans? 

" Why honey, I am not of THAT age!!!!
Actually, I do have some plans over the coming years that may eventually lead to retirement.
Although Winnipeg is and always will be my home, the lure of the west coast is quite strong. I would like to eventually relocate out west and then continue visiting Winnipeg to remain in touch with family and friends.
In the next 5 – 10 years I hope to slowly scale back my work time and eventually graduate to retirement."


We, all have bad days when we are not feeling the best. You obviously do not want to bring this to your work, so how do you manage those days and still present a happy front? 

(laughing) "That is actually quite a funny question as I was just thinking about exactly that.
Without doubt I have some days when I don’t feel like I am at my best, either emotionally or even in the way I feel about my appearance. Let’s say it’s a “bad hair” day.
These usually turn out to be the days that I receive the most compliments from my clients. When I leave a date thinking “I could have been better today”, I get a text from the client that says “I had an amazing time today and you were incredible”
Go figure!"

(writer's comment) Riley opened up about her personal and professional lives, her loves and her fears. She is an engaging, charming and forthcoming lady who sincerely loves her work and the people that she calls friends. She was very forthcoming with her responses to my questions and appeared comfortable revealing more of herself to be shared here.

I very much look forward to the next time we can open a bottle of wine and sit down for another chapter in this engaging story.

© 2024 by RILEY. all images 

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